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Bipartisan Build - House #23

L to R: Tina Yorek, Habitat Assistant; Jeru Gaboze, Advocacy Director at Habitat MN; Jim Frie, Volunteer; Rep. Ron Kresha; Mike Trettel, Volunteer; Rep. Isaac Schultz, (behind Mike); Amanda Dickmann, Homeowner partner; Kathy Lange, Executive Director; Orion DiFranco, Senator Smith’s office; David Glaze, Little Falls City Council; Jerry Theisen, Habitat Construction Manager; Kevlin Mays, Volunteer; Cristin Incitti, Habitat MN CEO; and Bill Osberg, Board Chairman of Habitat for Humanity of Morrison County. Not pictured here: Ruby DeBellis, Senator Tina Smith’s office; Matt LeBlanc and Bobby Kasper from Morison County Gov’t Center.

An all-day Birpartisan Habitat Build was held on Thursday, September 7th at the new site of House 23 here in Morrison County. Both legislators, staff from Habitat Minnesota in St. Paul and our dedicated community volunteers helped by hanging sheet rock all day. Amanda Dickmann, the homeowner partner for House 23, spoke to the group in the morning about her journey in finally becoming a homeowner. Amanda’s house should be completed by October 30th.

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