Apply to Be a Homeowner Partner
12/19/24 - We are currently accepting applications for a homeowner partner to build a house in Morrison County in 2025!
If you have any questions about applying, please don't hesitate to contact our office.
Applications are due January 31, 2025.
Am I eligible?
Applicants must have lived in Morrison County for at least one year, and must meet the following requirements:
Need for housing – Current living conditions are substandard, unsafe, overcrowded, or unaffordable.
Willingness to partner – We don't build a house FOR you, we build a house WITH you. Applicants must be able to invest at least 300 hours of “sweat equity” into their home. Sweat equity refers to the actual hands-on involvement of partner families in the construction of their own homes, and participation in other Habitat activities. Applicants may also be asked to join in fund raising efforts by representing Habitat and/or sharing their story.
Ability to pay – Habitat is not a give away program. Applicants purchase their home from us at a low interest rate. Applicants must meet our income guidelines and have enough income to make a small down payment and affordable mortgage payments. Our income guidelines are calculated as being between 30-75% of the HUD average income for Morrison County.
What kind of houses do we build?
We build simple, decent, affordable homes - not custom dream homes. Most homes are roughly 1200 square feet, with 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. All homes are built to meet applicable city and state building codes. The home is built per our guidelines, but the homeowner partner will be able to choose some finishes and colors.
How does it work?
The applications are reviewed by our selection committee, applicants are interviewed, and a partner is chosen. A house plan is chosen based on the needs of the individual partner family and any covenant restrictions. The homeowner partner meets with our Construction Manager to select finishes. The home is built by local contractors and volunteers under the direction of the Construction Manager, and is paid for by Habitat. Partner families invest are required to invest at least 300 hours of their own labor or “sweat equity” into building their home. They then purchase the home at the appraisal value from us with a down payment and a low-interest mortgage. Habitat works with the homeowner partner to ensure that the mortgage payment does not exceed 30% of the partner's current income. Habitat is not a giveaway program. We believe in giving families a HAND UP, not a HAND OUT. The partner's mortgage payments help build more Habitat homes, paying it forward to the next family.
How do I apply?
Print the application using the button above, and return it to us by the deadline. Using the checklist, make sure your application is complete, and includes your tax/income information. Within 3 months of the deadline, you will be notified if your application was chosen or not. Feel free to contact us with any questions by calling 320-616-2084.